Always make sure that your custom components and their features are tested to avoid bugs and runtime crashes.

In these examples, we will use Jest and React Testing Library but the same rules apply to any other testing libraries.

If you want to test your whole form, the easiest way is just to render it as you would normally. Be careful that you will have to mock all your async validations and submissions. Data driven forms have great test coverage so its not necessary to test core features.

Below is an example of a form with an async validation and a conditional field. All features in the data driven forms packages are tested by the library. It should not be required to tests them most of the time.

import React from 'react';
import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import FormRenderer from '@data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer/form-renderer';
import componentMapper from '@data-driven-forms/mui-component-mapper/component-mapper';
import FormTemplate from '@data-driven-forms/mui-component-mapper/form-template';
describe('<FormRendererTest />', () => {
* Mocking a validation endpoint
const validate = (value) =>
new Promise((res, rej) => {
return value === 'John' ? res('Validation sucesfull') : rej('Only value John is allowed');
* Create submit spy
const submitSpy = jest.fn();
* example of form schema
const schema = {
fields: [
component: 'text-field',
name: 'username',
label: 'Username',
isRequired: true,
validate: [{ type: 'required', message: 'Username is required' }],
inputProps: { 'aria-label': 'Username field' },
component: 'switch',
name: 'enable-emails',
label: 'Do you wish to receive promotinal emails?',
inputProps: { 'aria-label': 'Enable emails' },
component: 'text-field',
name: 'email',
type: 'email',
label: 'Email adress',
condition: {
when: 'enable-emails',
is: true,
validate: [validate, { type: 'required' }], // validation will be run immediatelly after the component is mounted and after changes
inputProps: { 'aria-label': 'Email field' },
it('should validate and submit the form', async () => {
* we will be using render because we will need the DOM updates
render(<FormRenderer onSubmit={submitSpy} componentMapper={componentMapper} FormTemplate={FormTemplate} schema={schema} />);
* we can try submit the form when the validation is not met
expect(submitSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // true
* fill the user name to pass the validation
await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText('Username field'), 'John');
* first argument are the values and the second one is formApi
expect(submitSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ username: 'John' }, expect.any(Object), expect.any(Function)); // true
* now lets check the email subscription
expect(() => screen.getByLabelText('Email field')).toThrow();
await'Enable emails'));
* there should be new form field
* we need to use waitFor because of the async validation
await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByLabelText('Email field')).toBeInTheDocument());
* submit should not occur
await'Submit'), undefined, { skipPointerEventsCheck: true });
expect(submitSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // true
* field should be in error state
* we only allow value of John
await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText('Email field'), 'Marty');
await'Submit'), undefined, { skipPointerEventsCheck: true });
await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByLabelText('Email field')).toBeInvalid());
* set value to John and submit the form
await userEvent.clear(screen.getByLabelText('Email field'));
await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText('Email field'), 'John');
await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByLabelText('Email field')).toHaveAttribute('aria-invalid', 'false'));
await waitFor(() =>
email: 'John',
username: 'John',
'enable-emails': true,
); // true

Components that are using useFieldApi or useFormApi must be children of contexts. Therefore they must be wrapped inside these contexts when testing. The simplest way to test them is just rendering them with the FormRenderer, but there may be cases when you might now want to do that. We will show you both options.

Set up your renderer to make it easier to test the component-specific features. Use initial values to trigger falsey validation results to avoid unnecessary changes simulation.

import React from 'react';
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import FormRenderer from '@data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer/form-renderer';
import useFieldApi from '@data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer/use-field-api';
import FormTemplate from '@data-driven-forms/mui-component-mapper/form-template';
const CustomComponent = (props) => {
const { input, meta, label, sideEffect } = useFieldApi(props);
return (
<div className="input-wrapper">
<label className="input-label" htmlFor={}>
onChange={(...args) => {
sideEffect(...args); // do something in addition to just changing the value in form state
{meta.error && (
<div className="custom-error-block">
CustomComponent.defaultProps = {
sideEffect: () => {},
const createSchema = ({ label = 'Custom label', validate = [], }) => ({
fields: [
name: 'custom-component',
component: 'custom-component',
const RendererWrapper = (props) => (
onSubmit={() => {}}
'custom-component': CustomComponent,
schema={{ fields: [] }}
describe('<CustomComponent /> with renderer', () => {
it('should render component to snapshot', () => {
const { asFragment } = render(<RendererWrapper schema={createSchema({})} />);
it('should render component in error state to snapshot', () => {
const { asFragment } = render(<RendererWrapper schema={createSchema({ validate: [{ type: 'required' }] })} />);
it('should call sideEffect when the input change', () => {
const sideEffect = jest.fn();
render(<RendererWrapper schema={createSchema({ sideEffect })} />);
await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText('Custom label'), 'foo');

Rendering components outside of the renderer will require some additional set up which is not traditionally used when using form renderer and require some additional knowledge of the library. Most notably, you need to wrap the component inside the Form component and RendererContext. Be careful, no Data Driven Forms functionality is provided, so you have to configure it manually, if you need need to use it.

import React from 'react';
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import Form from '@data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer/form';
import RendererContext from '@data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer/renderer-context';
import useFieldApi from '@data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer/use-field-api';
const CustomComponent = (props) => {
const { input, meta, label, sideEffect } = useFieldApi(props);
return (
<div className="input-wrapper">
<label className="input-label" htmlFor={}>
onChange={(...args) => {
sideEffect(...args); // do something in addition to just changing the value in form state
{meta.error && (
<div className="custom-error-block">
CustomComponent.defaultProps = {
sideEffect: () => {},
const FormWrapper = ({ props, children }) => (
<Form onSubmit={() => {}} {...props}>
{() => (
formOptions: { internalRegisterField: jest.fn(), internalUnRegisterField: jest.fn() },
validatorMapper: { required: () => (value) => value ? undefined : 'required' },
describe('<CustomComponent /> outside renderer', () => {
it('should render component to snapshot', () => {
const { asFragment } = render(
<CustomComponent name="custom-component" label="custom-component" />
it('should render component in error state to snapshot', () => {
const { asFragment } = render(
<CustomComponent name="custom-component" label="custom-component" validate={[{ type: 'required' }]} />
it('should call sideEffect when the input change', () => {
const sideEffect = jest.fn();
<CustomComponent name="custom-component" label="custom-component" sideEffect={sideEffect} />
await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText('custom-component'), 'foo');